Scientific Facts : The camel's eyes were created with exceptional power and ability that have a third eyelid. A very thin transparent eyelid allows camel to see clearly through it.
In sandstorms, camels often close their third eyelid and keep walking. You might say that a camel can find its way through a sandstorm with its eyes closed.
• The camel has three eyelids and two layers of eyelashes to protect itself from dust and sun. To protect their eyes, camels have long eyelashes that catch most of the sand when desert winds blow sand on to their eyes.
• If sand gets into an eye a camel has a third eyelid to get it out. The extra eyelid moves from side to side and wipes the sand away.
Quran : Allah says in Quran: "Have they (mankind) not looked at the camel and seen how it was created (perfectly, adapted to the harsh climate of the desert with so many uniquefeatures, qualities and capabilities)?" (Surah Ghaashiya 88:17)
In this Verse, the Creator gently urges us, in words that the Believers take as an instruction, to meditate on His creation of the camel as a creature that points to the greatness of the Creator, the perfection of His power and the beauty of His control.
We will see that the amazing facts that science has recently discovered about the camel explain to us some of the reasons why Allah, Most High, selected this amazing creature....
As the other beings, camel is too, created with many characteristics and then placed on earth as a sign of the such superior excellence physical features of the Creator in creation. it has been given to the service of mankind.
On the other hand, mankind is given the responsibility to see similar miracles of creation throughout the whole universe and know the Creator of all beings is Allah.