Giving Gifts 
                            It's Sunnah
Gift-giving is one of the good manners that maintains and strengthens relations between the giver and the recipient. Gift giving increases love and affection among people. It's promote harmony between Muslims, seeking with this Allah’s Pleasure, will be a source of happiness on the Day of Judgement

۞ "The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) used to accept gifts and used to give something in return.”
                   [Sahih Bukhari]

۞ A’ishah radi Allahu anha narrated that the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to accept gifts and reward people for giving them. 

۞ Give gifts, for indeed gifts removes bad feeling from the chest. Do not let a person look down upon (the gifts given by his or) her neighbour, even if it be a sheep shank.”

The importance of giving gifts

Naturally when a person is given a gift, the person usually accepts it graciously with happiness and thanksgiving and gratitude to the giver
Exchanging gifts and presents among friends and neighbours is a healthy way of promoting mutual love and consideration. When done with sincerity of heart, 
Such interaction has the effect of healing rifts and removing the ill-feelings and misunderstanding among people.
 This is encouragement to keep in touch with one another, love one another, make friends with one another, and accept invitations great and small, and to accept gifts likewise.

So you have to accept the gift and not look at its value or whether the giver could have afforded something better. Follow the example of your Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); accepting gifts is part of having a good attitude and good manners

And Allah knows best 😊

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